o. mark zak, a bug, a facebook services are now back online. off to a global outage. and an essay was to below, edward snowden took the opportunity to imagine what life might be like without the social media giant. the internet joins go flying today and never return. what happens tomorrow? a golden age dawns or collapse, and we dine on rats. so edward snowden, yesterday tweed out whether or not this, if all the tech giant swing down at the same time, would it be a good day or a bad thing for society in surprising enough you overwhelming majority said that it would be a great thing for society if the, the big tank giles were taken down permanently, i kind of tend to agree i would like of the ability to organize. but i guess if we still have telegram, we do have the ability to organize. so, but it was interesting to see how many people viewed detect jives going down as a positive dane versus a negative. twitter is picked up traffic significantly. somebody were joking about saying, you know, if face to face one down of twitter goes on next. and they'll be posting all the