o. onnario. part of a roof-top parking deck collapsed into the all saturday, trapping at least two people - one was believed dead. but there was hope the other was alive -- as rescuers heard apparent signs of life early monday morning.just hours llter, they were told they had to halt rescue efforts for their own safety, as the entire inside of the building threatened to fall. the move prompted community outrage.we come frrm a mining town wwere mine rescue never gave up on theii people! and was, they stuck ittout! they were there! (applause)yoo ever!we can't let them die!!! - what ii it weee youu sonnor your daughter oo yourrwwfe?! then at a later news conference, a turr-aroond.we will continue our efforts with the support offthe premier of ontario. we spoke to him directly. the owner of the malllhas given authority for the emergency crews to procced by any means necessary. we're goiig to try more mechanical means to move this forward.the fire chief sid that culd mean uuing heavy equipmenttto remo