but when we call up o.g.s. and they can't get their computers to come up, that's a problem. >> last year we recorded or were actually able to locate more than 5,000 earthquakes. and we probably had another 10,000 that our systems have identified that we didn't have a chance to look at. so these are the work horses. this thing pulls in data from all the seismic stations we observe. >> so we asked austin to show us the big computer control room. and in the back, there's a computer sitting on a table. that's the server that all this is depending on. and it's kinda hard to believe for all the state's resources, that one computer on that desk in that broom closet in the basement of a building, that's it. >> well, when you say, "for all the state's resources," what resources has the state put towards the problem? i mean, resources typically implies an investment of money. and oklahoma as a state has not made an investment of money. they've given occ $250k which is less than some of my research projects. and they've given the ogs i think $50k but that doesn't count the amount they took outta th