institute on gender-based violence. the nonprofit headquartered in oakland focuses on advocacy and education.ays part of the difficulty in understanding the impact of sexual violence is that aapi survivors are often all lumped together into a group of roughly 50 countries and more than 100 languages. monica: we're not a monolith. we are many different ethnicities and cultures woven together. and so when you create a perception with broad strokes, you're missing some of the nuances happening. bigad: it's really only telling part of the story? monica: that's right. you're only talking about part of the story and really erasing the rest of it. bigad: for example, domestic abuse rates in the us for chinese and japanese victims are fairly similar; but rates for korean, indian, filipino, and vietnamese survivors are roughly double. and even when data is available, it may still be incomplete since advocates say culturally aapi survivors may be particularly hesitant to share their stories. monica: and so that also contributes to just not knowing when this happens in our communities. bigad: so you're