with the increasing privatization of the public education system, particularly in your area in the california area, now we're in the second big strike, oakland is now underway, and apparently it's disproportionately affecting children of color, latinos, blacks, tell me about that. >> yeah, our public school system is the most accessible institution in the country and so when we allow those conditions to deteriorate as we have, what we see is that the kids basic needs are not being met, but we created a competitive environment where charter schools and public schools are competing for kids, but we haven't put more money into the system. in los angeles and oakland, what we see now are many underenrolled schools and therefore we can't sustain them, and what we have seen is that as the number of schools has decreased, our ability to support schools and public education declined, so the real question, why is california in the midst of these strikes, you know, california is a very blue state. we have a democratically elected governor who was elected with support from the union but california spent 41st in the nation in spending. they're going to h