you mix up enough different sectors in your portfolio, you won't be wiped out if one group gets ob brliterated it is such a no-brainer, if every adviser has been telling everyone for years, how is it that someone can be undiversified? it is because a lot of people can't tell you what they own i still field quite a few stocks from people who think earning fang is a diversified strategy hardly that is what i call faux diversification. i can't count on this portfolio -- i have said no to portfolio, j and j, eli lillys and bristol myers. they leave you way too exposed to risk. having an undiversified portfolio is not just that is the nature of the beast. a hedge fund manager who does that and gets lucky can market himself as a huge success. get profiled from every magazine here is the bottom line. whether you are an amateur or professional, you need to do your homework and keep your portfolio diversified. this is the routine textbook stuff that keeps you from monster losses down the line mike in south carolina >> caller: hey, jim, i was wondering from a new investor, say investing $100,000, how mu