if the obam obama administration could do that through regulation tomorrow morning, and they would put this thing back on track. all the other faults it's got to any the democrats i hope you of this done. they won't listen to me but i just told you how to fix it. they've got to do it quick, get it over to the white house fast because new rates have to be submitted to the insurance consensus in the new rates between may 27 and june 27. they've got about one month but they could get this thing back on track. and, of course, the reaction you get is the 8 million. i think is a more fundamental fix to office that's fairly easy to do. i suggest my 25 years in this town that is remarkable agreement between democrats and republicans on health care reform. there is remarkable agreement. banning presenting conditions, insurance exchange from subsidizing low and moderate income people, using the market demand, jerry brown asian the market in california. there is agreement on doing these things. democrats are right when they say that obamacare was built on a republican chassis. republicans are rig