obama care. what is striking to me abt that statement, we ould have been aware. given the portance of obama carer the affordable care act, eight months ago the president would have started evry meeting with, how we doing? is that going to be ready? at's going to be our big pay for the second term and demanding from kathy sebelius and other pople involved in it th they were ready and sending pple over there toake a look at the roout. that it suddenly landed the way that it did intter chaos and it's not going to be an easy fix is just inexplicle. >> you were making point to me this week about where is bobby kennedy? who has the musce? he did say the user of this site is everything. who has the muscle get it do and get done what he ants? >> you always gohere you've been arguing before. i've always been arguing this president doesn't have a cha of command, clear li of authory and uque sponsibility. i remember sebelius, most like her, she's public servant, but when asked o was in charge of that commiee under oath she started talking aut somebody in cns, th this peon ha