billion in stimulus spending, enacted dodd-frank, enacted obamacare, the economist in the obama administrationst forecast that n 2011, gdp growth, gross domestic product in this country, our economic growth would come up 3.8%, and in 2012 and 2013 it will go up over 4%. that was a rational cancellation because in the prior ten recessions, during the early years of recovery averaged about 4.3% gdp growth. now, 1% gdp growth is a ton of money. it's a ton of money for taxes and attentive jobs and is more than it sounds when you talk about 2.5-three, 3.5. president obama never had one year of 3% gdp growth. not one full calendar year. he averaged 2.1% postrecession rather than the 4.3% average, and its last year in office, gdp growth averaged 1.5%. those are very, very bad numbers. when president trump was elected, even before he took office, if you look, go on the web, there's a website for the national federation of independent businesses. they do a monthly optimism index measuring optimism amongst small businesses. you can go to the chamber for optimism among large businesses, but the nfib optimi