then obama backtracked. i think the big danger here too, is also the fact obama is cutting back on our military at the precise time that danger is increasing there. that bodes very badly for the united states and our allies in the middle east. >> to mike's point, rich about the sanctions, already, 20 countries do not have to abide by the economic sanctions now. they include china turkey and india. they're leaky already, rich. should we just walk away from this nuke deal? >> we should walk away. i think the supreme leader is and the iranian military is giving us ample reason to do. in a strange way, giving us a favor by revealing who they are, that is that they're not trustworthy. they'll lie in a heart beat. and we should walk away. >> bill we've had a, now, increased military tensions in the strait of hormuz. do you think iran being really aggressive do you think we should walk away? >> i'm trying to figure out what the mullahs are trying to do here. are they trying to get caught? here they are on the verge