the chinese bloggers are trying to make obama tigger. yeah, tigger. you don't think i get that because he's -- tall? ( laughter ) tigger, please. let's move on. this past weekend, this past weekend and this past week, we have been so focused, so focused on who the trump campaign met in secret with that we've barely mentioned what the entire republican congress is doing in secret, relieving millions of americans to have the burden that is healthcare. this week was meant to be the culmination of everything mitch mcconnell and the republicans worked on. today they were going to open debates on the new bill. this thursday, going to pass it, because for mitch mcconnell, passing healthcare should be treated like jacking off. you go into a dark room, get it done as quickly as possible because the longer you spend thinking about it, the more likely you will feel shame. i understand. i understand. ( laughter ) so last thursday, the new healthcare bill came out and much like last night's "game of thrones," we were all anxiously awaiting to see how many people i