. >> well look, the obamnicare is a classic overreach.it's basically clear evidence that this administration has given up on free markets developing and advancing the health care system in medicine to the point of sort of taking over and concentrating power with the government. this is clearly obamnicare that has put us on the path to a one care system. and that one pair is going to be government. and so it's not only going to interfere with the doctor-patient relationship, it will, in fact, answer questions that one might have about, you know, in the life decisions for, you know, a wide range of individuals who find themselves in that situation at this point in their lives. so i think about the individual mandate, i think just the substantial overreach in obamnicare, moving it from a consumer-based system to a government controlled system, it will probably be found unconstitutional by the court. you know, as it relates to free speech. look, one of the principles of our country is the right to exercise free speech. and because we normally