and preacher allah made me funny and dean obedella. negin. thank you for being with us.hy use humor rather than fact and tug at your heartstrings kind of stories? >> i think the answer is pretty clear because comedy is just more fun. it's just disarming. it melts people's guards in a way that education alecture or even a dramatic film that might make you cry, it might not do that. comedy makes you feel like you're in a safe place. i think it just tends to be more effective. we've seen that in shows. people really respond to it. >> dean? >> i agree with negin on that. when you do a comedy show, even a free one, you get 300 people, 400 people. you do a lecture and you see 50. when people are laughing together it's a great experience. people from all different states laughing, and it builds commonality. we're comedians. this is our skill set. if i was a poet, i would be doing a poet tour. i'm using comedy like richard pryor, and others using it to raise issues and change opinions. >> before we ask if media is an effective way to reset the narrative we should talk a little b