i like to echo something that's dou g obeejy comed for which is a meeting between staff and informed stakeholders and like to encourage you to do your own due diligence on the matter. we support the proposal in front of the state board now at a minimum probably need more water. i want to call a couple things to attention, we have been talking about unimpaired flows, we are talking february to june, not all year round. there is a reason for that. the problem salmon are having the central valley is juveniles can't knet out of the central val a. the adults can get back and spawn, the juveniles can't get out and that is why we need the flows in february through june. it provides a fast ride down the river and stirs up turbitly so the predators cants see them. there are many different reasons woo are in the mess we are in today and water behind hetch hetchy is probably a small part but everybody is called upon to make a contribution. i think you probably all know we experience toxic blue green algae outbreaks in san francisco bay last summer and that is because we are cloaking the life ou