many , like obeid akram , are still under the zionists' watch from morning to night, and rightfully so they are deprived of a normal life. i am 15 years old and i love to cook. aro camp is full of small houses in which large families live. when you open the window, you can see your neighbor's face. the streets are narrow and narrow, but all the people are kind and brave. people here stand by when someone is in trouble. but here is life for. it's painful for the kids here, the kids can't play the way they like , there is no freedom here. i was arrested by two israeli soldiers. the first time it was really hard . i was going to the store when they arrested me in prison. many heartbreaking things happened to me. when i got out of prison, i had really changed . i think to myself every day , why should our lives be different from the children of other places ? while other children are happy and doing sports and have many opportunities that we don't have, why is the situation of children in the rest of the world like that and we have to live like this here? i have no answer to my question to