and deane obeidallah, host of sirius xm's the dean obeidallah show and a columnist with the daily beast. welcome to both of you. thank you for joining us. jennifer ruben, inspectors general. they are not people we know much about. we don't think about most americans. i think 12 out of 10 couldn't name an inspector general, unless they've been fired by trump. but they are there to make sure the swamp stays less swampy, if you will. they're the internal people who keep the government honest. what's going on with the continued firing of these people by donald trump? >> i think this is the result of frankly the impeachment, that's now a few months in the rearview mirror. this president feels unbowed. he is unconstrained. and anyone who is going to report wrongdoing in this administration, whether it's mike pompeo, whether it's anyone else within the hhs, for example, that has mishandled the coronavirus, that whistle-blower is now, i think, in career jeopardy by this administration. and you're right, ali, this is the very person, the very people who are there within the executive branch, who