to be educated in memphis, tennessee, which you can understand, so they sent her to ohio to go to oberlin college, and got a masters in germany. she is the highly educated woman. as she is leaving germany, by the way, three men in germany asked for her hand, one was a barren. may have been a pretty good deal. she was thinking, should i stay over here she could see people in germany were very anti- semitic and she didn't understand why. she had to decide, do i stay here? she is walking down the street in berlin, she walks, not thinking much about it, walking by the american embassy in berlin, she sees the flag snapping in the breeze, the red, white, and blue, she said, that is my flag. i am going to go back. she said, i guess i am patriotic , a revelation to her. >> talk about her achievements. >> mary church terrell , my gosh, she is one of those people, she keeps going and going. she met with every president in the united states, other than woodrow wilson, we won't go into that. by the way, interesting story in itself. she was a person who was steadily advocating for women's rights and r