. >> this is the objectionxidation ammonia and they look like fire flies. >> so it's little metal, heatedal? >> yes. >> zach, always love. >> thanks. >> the uploader of this video titled it "drunk guy in star wars pajamas." that all sounds great already. the guy in the pajamas climbing up the drain pipe, looks like storm trooper costume. >> they also look like pajamas for a small child. >> apparently the guy believes there's a woman on the roof waiting for him he has to get to. this is the way he chose to do it. >> is it princess leya? >> i think it's princess crash down in the alley on your face. >> the guy recording this, can i put this on youtube? the guy on the ground goes, yes. >> also, where are yo-- wear yo superman pajamas. >> or spiderman. >> a million different choices. >> that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." news chopper two over breaking news. someone is shot as an vision turns into a shooting. >> sewage is leaguing into -- leaking into the dugout. the curveball the a's players are facing as they continue