at that point we'll begin to commit additional fiscally -- fiscal objectly gaytions, but also begin to move forward with the ceqa process. this is all subject to ceqa's completion and analysis of options with respect to develop then we'll come back to you, you'll see it on your [speaker not understood]. that could be in the fall of 15, early 16. after ceqa approval, then we would return for ratification of the purchase and [speaker not understood] agreement. [speaker not understood] as we approach completion of construction and move in late 2018. so, hopefully that schedule helps, give you some context. there are a number of amendments that have been proposed by the budget analyst. we are happy with those amendments and would intend to return this fall with the additional information requested in those amendments. >> thank you, mr. updike. supervisor mar? >> yeah, i wanted to just comment to mr. updike, i'm realizing also in reading the budget analyst report, reviewing it more closely, that it not only department of public works building inspection and planning, but it looks like it's