the earliest science-fiction was directly motivated by a fear of obsolesceobsolesce nce. a wonderful examine of hg wells time machine where he uses species one of which benefits from being i don't know, it's like the descendent of those who rule facebook and google. they are the rich ones. they e the other ones. the interesting thing in wealth of nations both sides are made to look ridiculous and absurd by their situation. but if you look at science-fiction occasionally the alien makes it obsolete but it's one of the other. his eyes a question of whether humans will become obsolete or not and usually it's machines that makes us obsolete and this continues to the day with terminator movies and matrix movies and on and on. that is the theme over and over again. this science-fiction and marxism books started out of the robotic society of the 1960s. very interesting thing happened in the 20th century. in the 20th century we didn't see massive waves of unemployment because of improving technology. and of course the reason was that new jobs were created when machines got better