under the admin code, we have the authority through oca - - no- not oca, but the admin code, we have the authority to procure -- actually, we have the obligation to make sure that we are utilizing led's to the extent possible. it is section 14 of the ad men code -- admin code. we have over 40 registered lve's that would qualify in the database so we feel like there would be a robust competition under that approach. >> commissioners, police said the older way would be to go after one big contract to procure and install, but by doing that, no local firms qualified. that is why breaking it up like this allows us to get more local employment. >> is there any limit to our ability to specify contracts? >> there are limits that are defined in the code. just checking the language, it is $400,000, and that is the largest a candy. >> ask the question again, i want to make sure i answer it accurately. >> there is a presumption in public contract for low cost -- i guess a fairly wide geographic area. and every time we try to narrow it down, we get into trouble. we want local businesses, small lo