Jul 3, 2013
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comunidad de discovery bay, se ha descubierto mosquitos que dieron positivos al virus del nilo occidentalos primeros insectos infectados con mortal virus para la temporada 2013 en el condado de contra costa. ---los mosquitos fueron detectados en una trampa sobre las calles bixler y timber, y a decir de expertos de salud del condado, uno de los moscos contrajo el virus de aves y lo pueden transmitir a los humanos. ---desde 2005, un total de 42 personas en ese condado han sido diagnosticada s con el virus del nilo occidental y desde 2006, 2 pacientes han muerto. cesar ---nos vamos a la primera pausa comercial pero al regresar, take vo ---revelan que un medicamento que usted podria tener en casa ha causado la muerte de miles de mujeres en aÑos recientes, enterese cual es take vo - blanca ---ademas, en mexico, revelan que el gobierno ha creado y entrenado tropas de elite para torturar.. take sot segment ends cesar --cientos de bomberos siguen luchando contra el voraz incendio masivo que se desato en yernell, arizona. blanca --jorge miramontes hablo con un bombero latino que compartio con vari
comunidad de discovery bay, se ha descubierto mosquitos que dieron positivos al virus del nilo occidentalos primeros insectos infectados con mortal virus para la temporada 2013 en el condado de contra costa. ---los mosquitos fueron detectados en una trampa sobre las calles bixler y timber, y a decir de expertos de salud del condado, uno de los moscos contrajo el virus de aves y lo pueden transmitir a los humanos. ---desde 2005, un total de 42 personas en ese condado han sido diagnosticada s con...
Jul 11, 2013
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jose las autoridades toman medidas adicionales para proteger a la poblacion del virus del nilo occidentalal doctor y susan, mi recepcionista favorita, notó que no me había hecho el mamograma. así el personal de kaiser pudo descubrir el problema... ...y atenderme a tiempo con mi especialista, mi doctora pamanabhan. estoy feliz de contar con el sistema interconectado de kaiser permanente. realmente me conocen y me cuidan, como yo cuido a los míos. ramirez... blanca ---buenas tardes juan francisco... jf ---hola buenas tardes cesar, buenas tardes blanca; amigos del deporte feliz tarde en casa... para los gigantes de san francisco hoy fue un dia de doble cubetazo de agua fria.. take vo ---esta maÑana su lanzador, chad gaudin, fue formalmente acusado de cometer un acto lascivo contra una mujer en un hospital de las vegas en enero pasado ---las autoridades dicen que gaudin estaba ebrio cuando presuntament e toc a una mujer que era transportada en una camilla ---el abogado del lanzador dice que gaudin estaba siendo tratado por una enfermedad que le causo confusion pero niega haber tocado a la vic
jose las autoridades toman medidas adicionales para proteger a la poblacion del virus del nilo occidentalal doctor y susan, mi recepcionista favorita, notó que no me había hecho el mamograma. así el personal de kaiser pudo descubrir el problema... ...y atenderme a tiempo con mi especialista, mi doctora pamanabhan. estoy feliz de contar con el sistema interconectado de kaiser permanente. realmente me conocen y me cuidan, como yo cuido a los míos. ramirez... blanca ---buenas tardes juan...
Jul 18, 2013
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. >> 2 pÁjaros dieron como positivo del nilo occidental por eso use repelente y no deje agua estancadaes de tren tambiÉn úpodrÍan llevar a huelga, por ahora comenzaron a llamar a los jubilados en caso del paro - autoridades mexicanas estÁ aumetnando el conrtol en la frontera tras la detenciÓn del lÍder de los zetas. >> todo el mecanismo, la misma intelifencia se debe usar para sabver los contactos. >> lo zetas siguen activos en algunos estados, en donde hay operativos de control porque se temen represalias >>el presidente ha dicho que no teme a más vilencia >>es claro que no vamos a renunciar, ahora el temor es el hermano omar treviño, hermano del z 40. >> más adelante le contamos por qué la aspirina podría ayudarle a evitar el cáncer. >> ya regresamos >>una simple aspirina podría ayudar a prevenir un tipo de cáncer en mujeres relativo al colorectal, un grupo tomóp un placebo y otras un miligramo y ellas tuvieron menos índices de contraer. >> carmen nos explica como los hispanos podrían beneficiarse con seguro medico médico:en california esestá en mayor número de personas sin seguridad
. >> 2 pÁjaros dieron como positivo del nilo occidental por eso use repelente y no deje agua estancadaes de tren tambiÉn úpodrÍan llevar a huelga, por ahora comenzaron a llamar a los jubilados en caso del paro - autoridades mexicanas estÁ aumetnando el conrtol en la frontera tras la detenciÓn del lÍder de los zetas. >> todo el mecanismo, la misma intelifencia se debe usar para sabver los contactos. >> lo zetas siguen activos en algunos estados, en donde hay operativos...
Jul 11, 2013
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. >> you like occidental petroleum, hess, you like marathon oil as well as murphy oil.erent fundamentals working for them in your opinion, but is there anything they particularly have in common in the environment we find ourselves in? >> they are confident that basically 57% of their production is oil. oil prices are much more practical than their peers that basically have natural gas. i am not as bullish on natural gas. i think natural gas prices will continue to be depressed for a long period of time. >> how do you address the argument that a lot of bulls out there, even though they're longer term bulls on those stocks, they say they're being boosted primarily by share buybacks and the like. are there other fundamentals behind those companies that will propel them forward? >> there are two companies that have something in common, and that is hess and occidental. both are restructuring. it really has nothing to do with oil and gas prices. they are basically thinking to a different tune, and that is the reconstruction. occidental is going to generate 30 or 40% improveme
. >> you like occidental petroleum, hess, you like marathon oil as well as murphy oil.erent fundamentals working for them in your opinion, but is there anything they particularly have in common in the environment we find ourselves in? >> they are confident that basically 57% of their production is oil. oil prices are much more practical than their peers that basically have natural gas. i am not as bullish on natural gas. i think natural gas prices will continue to be depressed for a...
Jul 16, 2013
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tres decadas despues de hacer a un lado la marca que ayudo a ganar la aceptacion en occidente de los compania espera que regresar al vehiculo que se ensambla en estados unidos impulse el crecimiento en los mercados emergentes con una nueva generacion de compradores de autos.... la pausa:. una madre implora por ayuda para salvar la vida de su pequeno hijo chris, quien padece una enfermedad terminal. usted podria hacer la diferencia..le diremos como.. y en el tiempo, atencion, esperamos temperaturas muy altas en el area metropolitana durante la semana, enterese de los detalles del pronostico, despues de la pausa... hace todo lo posible para salvarle la vida, pero a pesar de los esfuerzos es muy poco lo que ha podido lograr hasta el momento.claudia uceda nos trae la historia. claudia de chris y su mama. chris ya tiene dos meses sin quimoterapia y "no quiero perder a mi hijo." reyna llora. "le pido a todos que por favor me ayuden porque toca y toca varias puertas. (nat knocking doors) pero nada parece poder ayudar a esta madre. (nat door ) "ustedes que me entienden como madre y yo se que
tres decadas despues de hacer a un lado la marca que ayudo a ganar la aceptacion en occidente de los compania espera que regresar al vehiculo que se ensambla en estados unidos impulse el crecimiento en los mercados emergentes con una nueva generacion de compradores de autos.... la pausa:. una madre implora por ayuda para salvar la vida de su pequeno hijo chris, quien padece una enfermedad terminal. usted podria hacer la diferencia..le diremos como.. y en el tiempo, atencion, esperamos...
Jul 12, 2013
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interes de fichar con el club ===roll ticker=== varios mosquitos han dado positivo al virus del nilo occidentala zona... take map ---a partir de las once de la noche de hoy jueves, el distrito para el control de insectos tiene programado fumigar un area que va de la calle monterey, hasta el bulevar santa teresa en el sur, y hasta la calle coffee en el este y la avenida shell en el oeste.. take vo ---cuatro camiones estaran utilizando un insecticida de baja intensidad a lo largo de las calles de esa area... ---el quimico, segun el ayuntamiento, no representa ningun peligro para los humanos o mascotas... blanca ---recuerde que continuamos trabajando para informarle en vivo a las once.. take vo ---aumenta la tension entre los trabajadores del bart y la agencia de transporte publico, uno de los sindicatos lanza una fuerte amenaza que consterna a las autoridades cesar ---ademas, revelan que castigo recibir la mujer que invent haber sido golpeada y violada a plena luz del dia en una universidad de nuestra region.. ---no lo olvide, le esperamos en vivo a las once. ===roll ticker=== anchor gracias por
interes de fichar con el club ===roll ticker=== varios mosquitos han dado positivo al virus del nilo occidentala zona... take map ---a partir de las once de la noche de hoy jueves, el distrito para el control de insectos tiene programado fumigar un area que va de la calle monterey, hasta el bulevar santa teresa en el sur, y hasta la calle coffee en el este y la avenida shell en el oeste.. take vo ---cuatro camiones estaran utilizando un insecticida de baja intensidad a lo largo de las calles de...
Jul 26, 2013
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que se trata segment ends blanca --- blanca --- aumenta el riesgo de contraer el virus del nilo occidentalde santa clara. take vo --- por primera vez en lo que va del aÑo, varios mosquitos dieron positivo en la prueba del virus al ste de san jose. --- por esa razon, el departamento de control de animales fumigar diferentes areas de la ciudad maÑana viernes a partir de las 11 de la noche. --- el virus del nilo es una enfermedad que presenta meninguitis o inflamacion cerebral en los humanos que se contagian a traves de la picadura de un mosquito infectado. cesar ---en san francisco, hoy se llev a cabo una importante audiencia para determinar como implementar la reforma de salud en esa ciudad cuando entre en vigor en un par de meses. pitch - blanca ---entre las principales preocupaciones del departamento de salud publica, est el impacto que la ley podra tener en sus residentes, incluyendo los indocumentad os. take 2 box ---angel ayllon, nos amplia la informacion, adelante angel. 00:01 00:16 00:31 01:05 01:31 02:00 02:06 blanca ---ante la ola de violencia que ha recrudecido en michoacan, mexic
que se trata segment ends blanca --- blanca --- aumenta el riesgo de contraer el virus del nilo occidentalde santa clara. take vo --- por primera vez en lo que va del aÑo, varios mosquitos dieron positivo en la prueba del virus al ste de san jose. --- por esa razon, el departamento de control de animales fumigar diferentes areas de la ciudad maÑana viernes a partir de las 11 de la noche. --- el virus del nilo es una enfermedad que presenta meninguitis o inflamacion cerebral en los humanos que...
Jul 17, 2013
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el paÍs cuyo gobierno hizo amenazas contra paÍses del occidente, el barco de 155 metros de largo, y 20no de estados unidos. >>> el departamento de estado elogiÓ al gobierno de panamÁ por capturar un buque norcoreano, se descubriÓ armamento belico prohibido, bajo un cargamento de miles de toneladas de azÚcar. estados unidos apoya fuertemente la decisiÓn de panamÁ de inspeccionar el buque, y washington ofrecerÁ asistencia a panamÁ si se la pide. no hay reacciÓn de corea del norte, ni de cuba que en el 1962 desafiÓ a estados unidos, instalando misiles sovieticos en su territorio, el presidente martineli inspeccionÓ personalmente el hallazgo le preocupa que el material de guerra atravesarÁ el canal de panamÁ. >>> muy sotisficado, misiles an antiaeaÉreos o defensas. habrÁ que sacar el azÚcar para determinar quÉ tiene este barco. >>> las autoridad detuvieron al buque en colon en el caribe, en busca de narcÓticos, por lo que fue detenido en el pasado, afirman que el capitÁn intensÓ suicidarse, arrestaron a 35 miembros de la tripulaciÓn que se resistieron a la inspecciÓn. >>> por traductores h
el paÍs cuyo gobierno hizo amenazas contra paÍses del occidente, el barco de 155 metros de largo, y 20no de estados unidos. >>> el departamento de estado elogiÓ al gobierno de panamÁ por capturar un buque norcoreano, se descubriÓ armamento belico prohibido, bajo un cargamento de miles de toneladas de azÚcar. estados unidos apoya fuertemente la decisiÓn de panamÁ de inspeccionar el buque, y washington ofrecerÁ asistencia a panamÁ si se la pide. no hay reacciÓn de corea del...
Jul 19, 2013
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saliÓ de este penal de mÁxima seguridad en el occidente de mÉxico por la madrugada.r. >>> se asoma el mal noble eugen rosa que tiene nos pide constantemente que hagamos mucha oraciÓn por ella. >>> las especulaciones sobre lo que ocurriÓ a las joven de 23 aÑos crece hasen todos los anim. >>> es algo organizado, hay fuertes intereses, no tenemos pruebas ni estamos interesados en esta parte nosotros no queremos llegar a esa parte. >>> el gobierno mexicano, inicio investigaciÓn para dar con los responsables. >>> lo que tenemos que hacer ahora es verificar de quÉ manera se estÁ utilizando, insisto, el mecanismo, autorizado por el propio aeropuerto, para en este caso, eventualmente distraer, es dis tractor que pensamos y ver que no se ingrese droga. >>> personal vinculado con el manejo de equipaje serÁn inned gados, los agentes federales adscritos a la terminal aÉrea serÁn verificado en el 2012, uno de ellas tuvo un enfrentamiento a balazos, por la droga en el lugar. >>> esta maleta cargada de drogas pone en evidencia de la red de narcotrÁfico que opera con toda impunidad
saliÓ de este penal de mÁxima seguridad en el occidente de mÉxico por la madrugada.r. >>> se asoma el mal noble eugen rosa que tiene nos pide constantemente que hagamos mucha oraciÓn por ella. >>> las especulaciones sobre lo que ocurriÓ a las joven de 23 aÑos crece hasen todos los anim. >>> es algo organizado, hay fuertes intereses, no tenemos pruebas ni estamos interesados en esta parte nosotros no queremos llegar a esa parte. >>> el gobierno mexicano,...
Jul 27, 2013
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una mujer del norte de california ha sido identificada como el primer contagio del virus del nilo occidental take map ---el departamento de salud del condado de "glenn" informo que la mujer ya se recupera de un contagio leve tras haber sido infectada por un mosquito. take vo ---el virus tambien ha sido detectado en varias aves en el condado de "alameda" y en mosquitos en el condado de "santa clara". ---a partir de las 11 de la noche de hoy, el departamento de control de animales fumigar diferentes areas del ste de san jos. ---para prevenir el contagio, se recomienda evitar actividades al aire libre durante el amanecer y atardecer ademas de utilizar repelente. cesar --las autoridades buscan a un sospechoso de meterse a robar una casa en fremont. vo --el delincuente habria forzado su entrada al hogar de una familia alrededor de las 6 de la tarde, armado y con gas pimienta. --un residente de la casa peleaba con el sujeto mientras que 2 niÑos lograron escapar con una pareja que tambien estaba alli. --el hombre que se busca es descrito como un hispano de alrededor de 30 aÑos, con cabello alborota
una mujer del norte de california ha sido identificada como el primer contagio del virus del nilo occidental take map ---el departamento de salud del condado de "glenn" informo que la mujer ya se recupera de un contagio leve tras haber sido infectada por un mosquito. take vo ---el virus tambien ha sido detectado en varias aves en el condado de "alameda" y en mosquitos en el condado de "santa clara". ---a partir de las 11 de la noche de hoy, el departamento de...
Jul 12, 2013
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if, in fact, he did go to columbia and occidental as a foreign exchange student and accepted loans and such, either he was a fraud then in which case he can't be president of the united states, or he was a foreign national in which case he can't be president of the united states. >> that's wayne allyn root. he knows. the president is secretly foreign and the whole presidency of barack obama is a hoax because he faked the birth certificate, wake up, sheeple. he's one of these guys. here's kevin mccarthy's problem. again, remember, he's the number three republican in congress and a very ambitious one. early this week the other republicans who the nevada lady gala pac had put on the invite for their shindig with the birth i guy, earlier those week, those republicans started to drop out of the event. the republican governor dropped out and republican lieutenant governor dropped out and republican congressman mark amodei dropped out. that leaves the third top republican in congress and a birther guy who says president obama is secretly foreign. now that all the other republicans have starte
if, in fact, he did go to columbia and occidental as a foreign exchange student and accepted loans and such, either he was a fraud then in which case he can't be president of the united states, or he was a foreign national in which case he can't be president of the united states. >> that's wayne allyn root. he knows. the president is secretly foreign and the whole presidency of barack obama is a hoax because he faked the birth certificate, wake up, sheeple. he's one of these guys. here's...
Jul 27, 2013
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una mujer del norte de california ha sido identificada como el primer contagio del virus del nilo occidentalstro estado en lo que va del aÑo... take map ---el departamento de salud del condado de "glenn" informo que la mujer ya se recupera de un contagio leve tras haber sido infectada por un mosquito... take vo ---el virus tambien ha sido detectado en varias aves en el condado de "alameda", y en mosquitos en el condado de "santa clara" ---a partir de las 11 de la noche de hoy, el departamento de control de animales fumigar diferentes areas del este de san jos ---para prevenir el contagio, se recomienda evitar actividades al aire libre durante el amanecer y atardecer y ademas utilizar repelente... blanca ---bomberos de san jose tuvieron que utilizar las llamadas "mandibulas de la vida" una herramienta especial para rescatar a un conductor que habia quedado atrapado en su coche luego de chocar contra 2 arboles. take vo ---esta fotografias fueron tomadas por los bomberos anoche, luego que al menos una docena de ellos lucharon por rescatar al conductor. ---hasta el momento, no se sabe que fue lo
una mujer del norte de california ha sido identificada como el primer contagio del virus del nilo occidentalstro estado en lo que va del aÑo... take map ---el departamento de salud del condado de "glenn" informo que la mujer ya se recupera de un contagio leve tras haber sido infectada por un mosquito... take vo ---el virus tambien ha sido detectado en varias aves en el condado de "alameda", y en mosquitos en el condado de "santa clara" ---a partir de las 11 de la...
Jul 5, 2013
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podido gatillar una situaciÓn especial no, y que se ha hecho patente, cuando los paÍses de europa occidentalmericano. >>> y el bloque de unasur considera muy importante ver la relaciÓn con los paÍses europeos, implicados en este incidente, y para decidir aquÍ baso tara una excusa o tomar tras medidas. >>> y en la paz, bolivia, gloria corras koshgs univisiÓn. >>> y egipto tiene presidente interino es mano sur que combenzaba la corte suprema de ese paÍs, reemplaza a mohammed mursi que fue sacado ayer por el ejÉrcito y de acuerdo con el decreto militar, serÁ el lÍder intel orino hasta que sea elegido un nuevo mandatario, aunque no se sabe la fecha para elecciones, lÍderes militares dijeron amo secretario de estados estadounidense que no tomaran el poder y que lo de ayer no fue un golpe. >>> y el ejÉrcito de gente dijo que no podrÁn en practica medidas contra ningÚn grupo polÍtico y garantizarÁ el derecho a protestar, en tanto shth manifestaciÓn es no amenazan la seguridad nacional, pero hay celebraciones para celebrar el derrocamiento de mursi, los partidos del gobierno ante estÁn convoco ante
podido gatillar una situaciÓn especial no, y que se ha hecho patente, cuando los paÍses de europa occidentalmericano. >>> y el bloque de unasur considera muy importante ver la relaciÓn con los paÍses europeos, implicados en este incidente, y para decidir aquÍ baso tara una excusa o tomar tras medidas. >>> y en la paz, bolivia, gloria corras koshgs univisiÓn. >>> y egipto tiene presidente interino es mano sur que combenzaba la corte suprema de ese paÍs,...
Jul 18, 2013
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fueron encontradas en oakland y pleasanton esta semana, take vo han dado positivo al virus del nilo occidental primeros casos confirmados en el condado de alameda en lo que va del aÑo.. ---se trata de dos cuervos que fueron reportados por residentes de ambas ciudades el 12 y 16 de julio pasado... ---en lo que va de 2013, en la bahia, ya se han confirmado 13 pajaros muertos contagiados con el virus, pero todavia no se ha reportado ningun caso humano.. blanca ---si usted es residente permanente de estados unidos ponga mucha atencion, ya que hay buenas noticias, pues podra hacer la peticion para su familia inmediatament e. cesar ---el tramite duraba aÑos en hacerse, pero esta vez, sera por un tiempo menor. ---carlos de pavia hablo con expertos en inmigracion y nos tiene su informe. 0:01 0:11 0:29 0:42 0:57 pkg el servicio de inmigracion y ciudadania ha acelerado el tiempo para que los residentes permanentes hagan la solicitud de su esposa o esposo e hijos. "ahora, a partir del primero de agosto, hay, las visas estan disponibles, esto es muy importante porque si usted tania ya una peticion puesta
fueron encontradas en oakland y pleasanton esta semana, take vo han dado positivo al virus del nilo occidental primeros casos confirmados en el condado de alameda en lo que va del aÑo.. ---se trata de dos cuervos que fueron reportados por residentes de ambas ciudades el 12 y 16 de julio pasado... ---en lo que va de 2013, en la bahia, ya se han confirmado 13 pajaros muertos contagiados con el virus, pero todavia no se ha reportado ningun caso humano.. blanca ---si usted es residente permanente...
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students from prestigious institutions such as occidental college dartmouth and even yale have also filed similar complaints i've just seen so many negative consequences to friends of mine who have had this happen to them and. they've ministration is not there to support them after this and that was like a second betrayal that was almost as intense as the first betrayal of being raped by a policy for victims filing complaints the fear is that justice will not be served but in the end they're hoping that college students across the u.s. get better responses from their schools in the future in los angeles ramon that being the party for years now the u.s. government has given billions in aid to numerous countries but whether or not this leads to the people of these other nations liking the u.s. well that remains in question the residents lori harvest with more on that. america is a generous country we send about fifty billion dollars annually to other countries through food aid military hardware health care supplies trade up money you name it we're so right so why is it bad that countries we
students from prestigious institutions such as occidental college dartmouth and even yale have also filed similar complaints i've just seen so many negative consequences to friends of mine who have had this happen to them and. they've ministration is not there to support them after this and that was like a second betrayal that was almost as intense as the first betrayal of being raped by a policy for victims filing complaints the fear is that justice will not be served but in the end they're...
eye 59
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students from prestigious institutions such as occidental college dartmouth and even yale have also filed similar complaints i've just seen so many negative consequences to friends of mine who have had this happen to them and. they've ministration is not there to support them after this and that was like a second betrayal that was almost as intense as the first betrayal of being raped by a policy for victims filing complaints the fear is that justice will not be served but in the end they're hoping that college students across the u.s. get better responses from their schools in the future in los angeles. party and that does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com forward slash our team america and check out our website r t dot com forward slash usa you can also follow me on twitter sam sax stay tuned prime interest is next. police. are. long. after costing trillions of dollars charge for fighting personal freedoms and ingratiating rent seeking corporations can anyone claim the us in the world is any safer for me in cities plants or terrorists what is the differ
students from prestigious institutions such as occidental college dartmouth and even yale have also filed similar complaints i've just seen so many negative consequences to friends of mine who have had this happen to them and. they've ministration is not there to support them after this and that was like a second betrayal that was almost as intense as the first betrayal of being raped by a policy for victims filing complaints the fear is that justice will not be served but in the end they're...
Jul 5, 2013
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i like the special situations in occidental, i like conocophillips, i like the deeper water market, that's where you have pricing power. you've got schlumberger. i think national oil well kb embarko is a good name. so should tensions go down, i think the stock goes up. >>> coming up next, we have given you the fundamental take on the markets on the back of that better than expected june employment report. right after the break, we'll talk the technical side of the equation with louise yamada. and later, earnings season officially kicking off with alcoa. back in two. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when th
i like the special situations in occidental, i like conocophillips, i like the deeper water market, that's where you have pricing power. you've got schlumberger. i think national oil well kb embarko is a good name. so should tensions go down, i think the stock goes up. >>> coming up next, we have given you the fundamental take on the markets on the back of that better than expected june employment report. right after the break, we'll talk the technical side of the equation with louise...
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students from prestigious institutions such as occidental college dartmouth and even yale have also filed similar complaints i've just seen so many negative consequences to friends of mine who have had this happen to them and. they've ministration is not there to support them after this and that was like a second betrayal that was almost as intense as the first betrayal of being raped by a philistine for victims filing complaints the fear is that justice will not be served but in the end they're hoping that college students across the u.s. get better responses from their schools in the future in los angeles ramon that in the party. and now on to breaking news in galecki spain where a train derailment has left dozens dead and scores more injured the high speed train derailed outside of santiago de compostela city in northern spain more than two hundred people boarded the train which travels between madrid and federal authorities expect the death toll to rise and eyewitnesses have called the accident scene grisly with reports of bloody bodies strewn across the tracks no confirmation yet on
students from prestigious institutions such as occidental college dartmouth and even yale have also filed similar complaints i've just seen so many negative consequences to friends of mine who have had this happen to them and. they've ministration is not there to support them after this and that was like a second betrayal that was almost as intense as the first betrayal of being raped by a philistine for victims filing complaints the fear is that justice will not be served but in the end...
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private school in honolulu and he was raised by a white parent and white grandparents and he went to occidental columbia and harvard. so the idea that he's been this like disadvantaged person was i mean when you laughable you believe it was probably i walked in downtown l.a. last night and i had people of all races staring at me what the heck is this guy doing down here the idea that people don't get stared at of all races if you're not particular to that neighborhood or you're not known in that neighborhood is laughable but to deny what black people went through i'm not going to do that obviously they want their horrible things but i don't think obama has been a victim of like severe prejudice as i have been the opposite is that any of the races you use don't you approve of look the drone program is important i actually am a supporter of the n.s.a. program i think it's important that we keep an eye on radical islamists there a lot of conservatives i mean we're divided into two camps of the libertarians which is like glenn back you know these are people who have like campers full of food and th
private school in honolulu and he was raised by a white parent and white grandparents and he went to occidental columbia and harvard. so the idea that he's been this like disadvantaged person was i mean when you laughable you believe it was probably i walked in downtown l.a. last night and i had people of all races staring at me what the heck is this guy doing down here the idea that people don't get stared at of all races if you're not particular to that neighborhood or you're not known in...
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private school in honolulu and he was raised by a white parent and white grandparents anyone to occidental columbia and harvard so the idea that he's been this like disadvantaged person was i mean when you laughable you believe it was probably i walked in downtown l.a. last night and i had people all races staring at me what the heck is this guy doing down here the idea that people don't get stared at of all races if you're not particular to that neighborhood or you're not known in that neighborhood is laughable but to deny what black people went through i'm not going to do that obviously they want their horrible things but i don't think obama has been a victim of like severe prejudice as i've been the. opposite is that any of the races you use don't you approve of look the drone program is important i actually am a supporter of the n.s.a. program i think it's important that we keep an eye on radical islamists there are a lot of conservatives i mean we're divided into two camps of the libertarians just like glenn back you know these are people who have like campers full of food and think t
private school in honolulu and he was raised by a white parent and white grandparents anyone to occidental columbia and harvard so the idea that he's been this like disadvantaged person was i mean when you laughable you believe it was probably i walked in downtown l.a. last night and i had people all races staring at me what the heck is this guy doing down here the idea that people don't get stared at of all races if you're not particular to that neighborhood or you're not known in that...
Jul 9, 2013
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. >> son respirador del volcÁn conocidos como her vi ders de s san jacinto, al occidente de la capital curo ra curotivo nadie lo llevara. >> una seÑora vino hace aÑos, llevÓ bastante barro le echamos en el lugar allÁ, ella no caminaba, entonces como a los dos meses ya vino caminando. >> mÉdicos, cientÍficos y naturistas, entre otras cosas mejora la circulaciÓn sanguÍnea y alivia dolores relacionados con la artritis sus mayores beneficios para desintoxicar y regular jenerar la piel. >> tiene metales, como se pone caliente al paciente entonces tiene efectos antiinflamatorios, funciona muy bien para disminuir la grasa de la piel, como tiene silic silice. >> es rica en É oxido de hierro y es efectiva para la circulaciÓn. >> a las personas que tienen i erimatizados los pies y problemasar tribts. >> no solo son reconocidas entre los nacionales sino tambiÉn entre los extranjeros que viene en hasta este lugar a experimentar si realmente estos elementos funcionan en la cura de las enfermedades que los aquej aquejan. >> tomÁs pÉrez asegura con este lodo se curÓ las heridas de una caÍda. >> me pu
. >> son respirador del volcÁn conocidos como her vi ders de s san jacinto, al occidente de la capital curo ra curotivo nadie lo llevara. >> una seÑora vino hace aÑos, llevÓ bastante barro le echamos en el lugar allÁ, ella no caminaba, entonces como a los dos meses ya vino caminando. >> mÉdicos, cientÍficos y naturistas, entre otras cosas mejora la circulaciÓn sanguÍnea y alivia dolores relacionados con la artritis sus mayores beneficios para desintoxicar y regular...
Jul 17, 2013
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if you want to take more risk, or occidental.eph in florida. >> boo-yah from the gator nation, mr. cramer. >> how are are you? >> doing great. what are you thoughts on alter energy? >> after listening to michael ward talk about csx today, i don't want to pull the trigger, but i think it's way to too late to sell. from patrick in arizona. and with the -- i was wondering if we could get an opinion on the wall in -- as your opinion changed? >> okay, you know, my problem here is that i have not listed ibms call. i've been violating all my own rules when other people get the call. i will have a better look tomorrow. lois in florida. >> boo-yah, jim. i'm the most faithful follower and when you mention your charitable trust was getting rid of china exposure, i unloaded by chart industries at 95. since then, it's gone up. should i buy back in at a down tick? >> it's had a miraculous run, o lo lois. i am concerned about china expo shoour. i don't think you need to buy it back. if it comes in, we can talk about it and pull the trigger. col
if you want to take more risk, or occidental.eph in florida. >> boo-yah from the gator nation, mr. cramer. >> how are are you? >> doing great. what are you thoughts on alter energy? >> after listening to michael ward talk about csx today, i don't want to pull the trigger, but i think it's way to too late to sell. from patrick in arizona. and with the -- i was wondering if we could get an opinion on the wall in -- as your opinion changed? >> okay, you know, my...
eye 144
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the former head of occidental tried to get back and got tossed off the board for his efforts. they did n not want him back evn though the current ceo had some questions about hisss performan. inca the face of founders they always know how to do it better than their successors. in the case of starbucks it certainly worked out. steve jobs as you alluded to was fired from his job. melissa: right. >> it took him 12 years to learn to be ceo. he was a terrible leader in his 20s. when he came back he was a formidable one. melissa: what did he learn in the time off? >> he learned how to attract talentede people. how to get the best out of talented people even though he had a prickly personality. it was a painful process. took him 12 d years to do it. became a greaoft corporate lead. one of the greatest of all times. without that 12 years in the wilderness he would never be able to do what he did. melissa: the same wouldn't be said for michael dell. that is another example. >> there is a man who left the company. came back not becausese of the money. he is a very wealthy man. starto >>
the former head of occidental tried to get back and got tossed off the board for his efforts. they did n not want him back evn though the current ceo had some questions about hisss performan. inca the face of founders they always know how to do it better than their successors. in the case of starbucks it certainly worked out. steve jobs as you alluded to was fired from his job. melissa: right. >> it took him 12 years to learn to be ceo. he was a terrible leader in his 20s. when he came...
Jul 2, 2013
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. >> something like an occidental which is -- >> i'm with you, steph. >> there's such a debate there.china is slowing. yes, the dollar is going up. despite all that, where are oil prices going? they're going higher and -- >> i'm going to be where the market is going. oil is going -- >> i'm where the market is. my positions are long. i'm making money. i'm doing well-being long energy. >> i said it's going to go -- >> do you want to go short oil? i will buy it from you right now. what energy company do you want to sell me? name a company i'll buy it from you right now. >> tesoro. you said name an energy company. i'll buy it from you. you're buying. >> you're being cute now. >> thank you. >> you guys should make up i think before the break. >> that was a good appetizer because coming up next caterpillar has been the second worst performer in the dow this year but is the company about to dig its way out of a hole? our traders are split. so we'll debate it. that's the entree. >>> plus, oversold and time to buy? with this ugly charter is about to reverse course and how you should trade it w
. >> something like an occidental which is -- >> i'm with you, steph. >> there's such a debate there.china is slowing. yes, the dollar is going up. despite all that, where are oil prices going? they're going higher and -- >> i'm going to be where the market is going. oil is going -- >> i'm where the market is. my positions are long. i'm making money. i'm doing well-being long energy. >> i said it's going to go -- >> do you want to go short oil? i will...
Jul 18, 2013
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you can be in apache, occidental. i think they're all going to work.hey've underperformed for a while. it's time. >> i agree. we actually just started a position in anadarko as well. we like occi for the special situation. i have liked the drillers for a while. i think halliburton is poised to have a good quarter. and i think you can continue to look at the e & c times. i have been on cbi, on floor. i think you can look at kbr. >> schlumberger, anybody? >> i'll take halliburton over schlumberger. >> you can almost do everything except the refiners. i think it will be that broad based when these names start to catch fire. >> up next, want to know how the best are investing? a stock star picker reveals three areas of the market he's zeroing in on and what names he's buying. >>> plus, with he know how jim chanos feels about caterpillar. >> we are short caterpillar inc. iconic american company, leader in its class, but tied to the wrong products at the wrong time in the cycle. >> after the break, mike murphy is going to tell you why jim chanos is wrong, an
you can be in apache, occidental. i think they're all going to work.hey've underperformed for a while. it's time. >> i agree. we actually just started a position in anadarko as well. we like occi for the special situation. i have liked the drillers for a while. i think halliburton is poised to have a good quarter. and i think you can continue to look at the e & c times. i have been on cbi, on floor. i think you can look at kbr. >> schlumberger, anybody? >> i'll take...
Jul 31, 2013
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provided to those giant plants in the desert and as well as smaller installations like this one at occidentalthose were insignificant. when panel prices have fallen and you have people, hundreds every week installing systems in their own backyards, suddenly rooftop solar is a real competitor and the subsidies it receives, a controversy. >> we produced a power exactly where it's needed and we produce it and we sell it for example in parts of california at a fixed-rate. >> reporter: from hawaii to arizona, utility executives are now pushing back, arguing that solar subsidies now are too generous and expensive for rate-payers who can't afford a rooftop system to pay or subsidize those who can. >> we can not sustain this rate of expenditure for one particular sector. it is about time that they get off the training wheels and run on their own. >> reporter: now l.a. department of water and power, bwp, manages america's largest rooftop system solar program. it says every roof could be a possible power plant but it limits what it will pay people to generate their own electricity. >> we buy all the po
provided to those giant plants in the desert and as well as smaller installations like this one at occidentalthose were insignificant. when panel prices have fallen and you have people, hundreds every week installing systems in their own backyards, suddenly rooftop solar is a real competitor and the subsidies it receives, a controversy. >> we produced a power exactly where it's needed and we produce it and we sell it for example in parts of california at a fixed-rate. >> reporter:...
Jul 31, 2013
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well, heather, right now the battle is between small inner-city solar systems like you see here at occidentalnd big ones in the desert. secondly, is it time for rate-payers who can't afford solar to stop subsidizing those who can? whether it is produced in the desert -- >> epa entered into a long term agreement to purchase all of the power that solan will produce. >> reporter: or on a rooftop. >> this is power whether it is needed and where it is needed. >> reporter: this is solar power generating business. >> we're over 300 application as month. >> reporter: and controversy. >> not every project or every contract that is being signed turns into a full-scale plant. >> reporter: in 200916 companies sought permits to build large solar plants in california. six then nine canceled or postponed their plans. by contrast, rooftop solar installations jumped 160% in each of the last two years. >> the good thing about local solar is it is spread out. >> reporter: l.a. water and power manages america's largest rooftop program. demand is off the charts but non-solar customers help pay the price. >> get a
well, heather, right now the battle is between small inner-city solar systems like you see here at occidentalnd big ones in the desert. secondly, is it time for rate-payers who can't afford solar to stop subsidizing those who can? whether it is produced in the desert -- >> epa entered into a long term agreement to purchase all of the power that solan will produce. >> reporter: or on a rooftop. >> this is power whether it is needed and where it is needed. >> reporter:...
Jul 16, 2013
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, so devoted to family that after graduating from high school she gave up a full scholarship to occidental college to start working in l.a. to support the rest of her family in imperial valley. violate has witnessed momentous changes in our nation's history. our life reflects a crecks to that history, i hakem: her century of memories brings much pride and joy to herself and family members. i ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating violate on this remarkable milestone. i wish her a special day, shared in the company of her family and friends and all the best in the years ahead. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expyre. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this week in history we celebrate the achievement of neil armstrong's moon landing in 1969. a shining example of american inknow veags and perseveran
, so devoted to family that after graduating from high school she gave up a full scholarship to occidental college to start working in l.a. to support the rest of her family in imperial valley. violate has witnessed momentous changes in our nation's history. our life reflects a crecks to that history, i hakem: her century of memories brings much pride and joy to herself and family members. i ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating violate on this remarkable milestone. i wish her a...
Jul 1, 2013
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and acme with 680% jump in compensation and a 12% decline in total value and this goes on with occidentalnowned expert in management and leadership. what do you make of this issue at large, the way it is being both playing out and perceived? >> first of all, these are very high numbers, and the fact that compensation didn't rise as much as the stock price, well, that is short-term. who gets credit for the rise in the stock price? it was a rising market. we often in good times credit ceos as though they were geniuses even though they may not have had that much to do with it and they may be bankrupting the long-term in order to get those short-term rises. i think the fact we don't have a populous revolt is more to do with american culture because with high unemployment, unemployment not rising as much as ceo pay rose, with still needing job creation desperately, i wish some of that pay had gone into investing in start ups that create jobs. i think the whole picture doesn't look good for america. on the other hand, it is unstoppable because once you have these high numbers, everybody wants t
and acme with 680% jump in compensation and a 12% decline in total value and this goes on with occidentalnowned expert in management and leadership. what do you make of this issue at large, the way it is being both playing out and perceived? >> first of all, these are very high numbers, and the fact that compensation didn't rise as much as the stock price, well, that is short-term. who gets credit for the rise in the stock price? it was a rising market. we often in good times credit ceos...