democrat well coming in with thirty five thousand dollars during the last election cycle is occidental petroleum or oxy as it's called in the biz it's the largest natural gas producer in california and the largest oil producer in texas but i'm sure that's never a conflict of interest for her and wells fargo and boeing aren't either but they're generous donations of ten grand a piece. graham republican senator from south carolina he's been notoriously recently for pioneering the preemptive iran war resolution on the heels of the. conference but that's a whole other bone to pick for another day so who are his corporate sponsors while blue cross is coming in strong with a hefty thirty seven thousand dollar donation to his last campaign come in close behind our two giant defense contractors general electric and boeing each forking over twenty five grand and let's not forget mitch mcconnell senator from kentucky and republican minority leader who seems to serve no purpose other than the filibuster everything that's propose on the floor in fact has put repealing obamacare at the top of the list despit