there are ocea requirements for the people working are 2 lawsuits i'm familiar with where employees say it's too loud to be in a working environment. there is fixed noise for your hoods and fans on the roof. and then there is entertainment noise, which relates to not just live music and bands and recording music and all that but people going outside and having a cigarette and talking, public impact noise. all that is regulated in the police code article taken and article 29 is excerpted in the last 6 pages of your hand out. we will look at that later. >> we have the fire code. these are the local amendments to the california fire code. the fire department plays a critical role in restaurants and a couple of volumes of the planning code. and let's start by talking about the planning department. we were hoping to get joan us here who is a planner he may stop in in a bit. >> there is a hand out. there is some up front and in the back. help yourself if you don't have one. right here on each side in the front and the back. take as many