they are -- oceania. they are my american brothers and sisters. they did everything by the numbers. and availed themselves of a dream that we all share. those who do not cheapen the sacrifice made by so many who have come before them. and with that, madam speaker, i would yield the balance of my time. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2017, the chair recognizes the gentleman from georgia, mr. woodall, for 30 minutes. mr. woodall: madam speaker, i very much appreciate that. and i appreciate you being here with us on a thursday afternoon. i know that you came to congress with the same optimism that i came to congress with. and that is if only we work hard enough together, if only we commit ourselves with earnestness to one another, we'll be able to make a difference for folks. and i still believe that. i hope you still believe that too, after your time here. i still believe that if only we work hard enough, we're going to be able to serve the american people as we promised we would.