especially for the children of the adjacent shared and elementary school, hundreds of kid in their oceanview neighborhood. i believe that it is reasonable for the families of san francisco that they would best be served by not rushing through this contractual decisions till after a hearing about the fundamental materials being used. for future web searches, i'd like to insert some keywords. chemical sensitivities, [speaker not understood], childhood cancer, city fields foundation, carbon black, must go lighting, pisces incorporated, fisher builders, zinc leachate, [speaker not understood], retaining walls, public private partnership, polley aromatic hay drone carbons, [speaker not understood], and mercury poisoning. ~ and i'd like to acknowledge patrick canon as well is here. >> thank you. >> is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners. >> i think we need to do these resolution -- the resolution, do you need to read the title of the resolution? >> i'd be happy to. when it's time to make a motion, if you decide to approve, you will be a