i'm here to speak about the importance of green space on octavia boulevard. i have been involved in the project that was started by the homeless connect, and now we are locked out and we have given up the garden space, but the idea remains that we need green space along that avenue. and i would hope that you folks would understand that and stand with us, and we could make that happen. that is all. i want to see those two little parcels r & s saved if it is at all possible. here i have a letter, too, explaining a little bit more. that is all. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> commissioners we're now done with general public comment and we're on the consent calendar. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the consent calendar? that is item 5. being none public comment is closed, commissioners. >> entertain a motion. >> is moved. >> second. >> all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> so moved. >> we're now on item 7, job-training academy at gleneagles golf course and commissioner harrison will be making the presentation. >> pleas please. >>