iive will at 153 page street just a couple doors from octavia boulevard. and every day i witness the chaos that is pedestrians, activists, cars and trucks trying to navigate an intersection that has become an unintended freeway on-ramp. as the mother of a high schooler and a middle schooler, who both ride their bikes through the neighborhood and the city i view the current situation as unsafe and untenable. the anger of motorists got so bad, a neighbor created april fool's signs, ta encourages drivers to take a breath and lay off the horn and they worked, for a little while. [laughter] for more lasting solution, the proposed pilot to alter page street traffic patterns including prohibiting turns is a good place to start. the work should not end there. the m.t.a. needs to prioritize safety for pedestrians and cyclists if we want more people to take more of their trips without the use of their cars. traffic through our neighborhood in particular and the city as a whole must be looked at holistically. changes to traffic-flow patterns on page street will inevi