joining us now is octavio marenzi, ceo / co-founder, opimas. we go, the rights issue is down, the saudi's are deep into credit suisse. do we see an accelerated deconstruction of credit suisse? octavio: i think management and the backs of their heads hope they have cash on hand so they can stay the course and not have to dismantle the bank. you do not really need that much money to sell off pieces, they could salafi investment bank, the trading operations. they do not need that capital injection to make that happen. what they are thinking about doing is staying the course and trying to keep these things together and not have to sell the family jewels to the market. on the street in zurich we are hearing credit suites and private bankers are told to call the clients and offer them an norm us interest rates on the -- enormous interest rates, so they are on the phone saying, we will give you up to 7% if you keep your money here and do not walk out the door. that started to smack of desperation. the wealth management unit generates 2 billion francs