themes accompanied by the harp, you can also tell, sensan recently passed through, samson won , odalila’sn incredibly famous aria accompanied by a solo harp, and harpists are of course different from each other, but... in my worldview , in my vision of life, the harp is so important , it suits me so well, we are like one whole, i can’t imagine my life without it instrument, as i said in a previous interview, that’s why the image probably comes out from my very childhood, and long hair, a beautiful dress, when a harpist plays - this is of course an image, but also my inner state, i teach at a republican gymnasium. .. a competition so that talented harpists from all over the world can come to us. the warmest memory from childhood is, of course, when we decorated the christmas tree, a real one, and its smell. probable atmosphere of this holiday, tangerines, sweets, of course, when everything the kids loved it when their parents brought them packages of these big candies, and we always chose the most delicious ones from there, downstairs, if you remember from childhood, yes, there was the mos