whic in which for ee they may find themselves compelled by the logic of the process to sentence them odeath. then we have such a huge national debate, should we influence the egyptians not to carry out the sentence, their pride will get involved. i feel the more we can cool it restrain it wait it out let the emotions subside, the better. >> let me just touch on middle east policy. i mean if you add israel into the mix, the israel-palestinian peace talks, does the obama administration really have a coherent foreign policy when it comes to the middle east? >> i think it last more of it now than earlier. because i think secretary kerry is, first of all, very deeply engaged with genuine personal determination. engaged in the peace process. secretary clinton was a very dynamic secretary of state but with much more emphasis on global issues, human issues, social issues, gender issues. and less interest in the really difficult strategic problems. kerry's very different. he gives primary emphasis to the strategic challenges. and i applaud that because i think that is more imminent danger. so if he