odesa. [inaudible] this is a movie that got out called, the tails of the grim reaper, it is about how crack cocaine in the 80's went to la and abuse in [inaudible] wrote about san francisco [inaudible] this is a movie about [inaudible] called the long walk home by kids having a better outlook in our city. you should see that movie called [inaudible] this is [inaudible] coming to town. areetha franklin and this is [inaudible] interaction at city hall they want people to come out and don't go to work or school that day. this is me as a transgender in my early days and this is me as a marijuana advoicate. i want to also [inaudible] send pictures at 415 sfwp at g mail.com. you can also go to 19612015 so you can see what i go through living in the tl. this is the a letter i deal with racism and sexism and [inaudible] 19 times in a book. i only heard [inaudible] at [inaudible] >> any other member thofz public that would like to provide public comment? seeing none prblic comment is closed. madam cl