caller: michael worked on the oil rigs in odessa, texas -- my uncle worked on the oil rigs in odessa, texas for years. he told me they had the same things going on for years and years without any problems. but the shallow waters is the way to go. there's plenty of shallow water to do this. there is no need to go deep water. host: mr. cavnar? guest: i actually worked in odessa years ago in my own career. the onshore fields like west texas and around odessa and the flynt are much different than the gulf of mexico. the challenge we have in the gulf of mexico is that the shallow water has essentially been drilled. the reason they are drilling in deep water is because there are no more large find, at least economically, in the shallow water. some would say deep below the shallow water there are some positive than might be commercial, but we have not done a good job of finding those. host: next call is from new jersey, carol, and even the line. -- independent line. caller: is in a true that all of the oil that was drilled in the deep water or alaska, most of it is exported to the world mark