. -- of odin. when he says -- i cast you out -- you feel the high stakes. at the center of the story, a troubled royal family with the fates of many other people's dependent on how they get on, that little connection between the personal and public lives of a powerful people is a shakespearean theme. he was always fascinated by what goes on behind closed doors in the lives of the rich and powerful. to me it gave an lot of backbone to a story that had a lot of humor. it was well known, contemporary, direct and different. this bit of the story was a useful connection to me for something that was unfamiliar. >> are there different parallels between what we appreciate about the work of shakespeare and the storyt line thehor"? >> when you look at the reckless use of the henry the fourth place, he drinks too much and stays out late, his judgment is suspect. in this story, all of that applies to thor. in henry rowe and five, the assumptions of responsible leadership are hard one. he has to lose friends and risk his life. also paralleled in thor. in those cases the