in so that they don't have to be in a situation where they are real estate on th -- where they're oe dole. we owe it to the people of our country that are suffering right now shall dinow -- and there ar. we owe it to this nation which has provided so much opportunity and so much prosperity for so many people. no country in the world in our history has come close to what america has achieved. we owe it to our children and our grandchildren who will inherit what we have done or not done. and the reality is, we are loading and transferring a debtload on our children and future general rappings that they may not be able to -- and future generations that they may not be able to overcome. i don't want to leave that legacy. i don't want to be part of a generation in a doe that does t. but we have to recognize that we're hurting now, as well as going to be hurting in the future. and so it's time, i think, for us to stand up and do what is necessary to address this problem. you know, my mail is running 100-1 in favor of cutting government, cutting government spending, and it's running 100-1 agains