oel d. mith isslive at 3 big the appetite is for super bowl munchies this year.. &p good morning joel d.3 3 bbeonce is finally speaking out about alllgations she lippsynched the national anthem... at president obama'' inauguration ceremony.on thursday.... shh proved she can ing.... during a pree connerence."o'er the land of the ree... and he home of thh brave." brave." 3 beyonce says... there's a good reason she chose nottto sing 3 3 "due ttothe weather, due to 3 comforrable taking a risk. ii was about the ppesident and to make him aad my country proud, so i decided to sing along with my pre-recorded trcck""- information about he sse'd be joined y destiny'' wwuldd't cooment.but whhchever -&pit ends up beingg.. beyonce 3 dams have bbennopened -3 to relieveepressure on the swollen patuxent rrver. 3 after wednessay's ssorm....ooficialss n laurel maryland declared a ccvil emergency aftee 6-iiches of raii fell in the area. pthe patuxeettriver is 8-feet pigher than normal. the storm eeen tookk he life -3 of a homeless woman. thh flood 3 change could be cooing... to this state'' speed camera pr