the idea ofcoercing people to subsiddize unhealthyeople is outrageous. you are penalizin someone wi a healthy life. and they subsiddize someone with an unhealthy life is nuts. the supreme court that barely passed the thing. and they had to identify it as tax. and that is what it is. it is a tax on the people and in addition to pay all of this money in advertising, where does it come off that taxpayer money and your money and my money has to goto advertise a government program. this is not private ndustry. they are not doing it for a profit. they want to sell something that is a proactive and irerational and illegal really meod of the government coercing people to follow. >> wayne, very good, wayne. juan, we are burying the leagu stay out of the my football sunday and lasthing i want is an adfor obamaare in half-time of a giant's game. >> i don't know why it boths you. you have commeials for everything else coming out of the football game. this is for the good of the people and help all americans especially with the health care costs are so punitive and d