i'm a long term resident of the area and here to talk about the remarks ofcytes 10 hayes.s the old agency that has a history in the city we're destroying the african-american community is very tablet. it's important you are in a unique position to demonstrate your embracing programs that can make it come back together. it starts with you're taking a solid position are i think you are in front of you an opportunity but you understand how to be proactively supportive and continue the ability in the city. that's what i wanted to say. thank you >> (calling names) >> is it charley walker? yes sorry >> (laughter). >> you know, one of the things i've gotten up earlier was that lady talking about destroying the bayview park a fungus ago. i just want to say this to you all don't you all see this is a clear-cut case of including conclusion clan they want black people out of this town and doing a damn good job of that now they're out in bayview. you have to be a complete edit not to see the humanitarian on the wall. a lot of black people they've got the never to think they're going t