-- roles ofership. leadership. be optimistic. number 12, understand you have received a great deal and more will be expected of you and that is a pic. andct more of yourself those around you, it will make life more fulfilling. last but not least, for number 13 in every situation you encounter, leave it better than you found it. do it professionally and personally. pay it forward. we all say it, too few of us do it. find your own way to do it. a lot people say, i don't have the means or the time. find your way. it will evolve as you go through life. allison and i have decided personally along with our family that our way of paying it forward is tied to autism, raising awareness, building schools and moving toward employment and housing for these young adults with autism. professionally, i spent a lot of time on financial literacy, and a lot of time trying to create jobs in this country. most recently, getting very involved with veterans and talking on the time about the importance of hiring returning veterans and helping them tran