rice the otc, office of thrift supervision chief, john rice, saying that basically, the audacity of your putting forward some of the proposals that you had, you do think that and frequently you were the only woman in the room, do you think that that worked against you, was it held against you? excluded from discussions because of it? >> i don't know exa lot of people ask me that question and young women ask me that question, feeling excluded or left out or not listened to, may be gender or not. you can drive yourself crazy trying to figure it out. there, were i think, people that had some lack of respect for the fdic, too reviewed us as the regulator for those little people that had less than $100,000 in the bank. i think there was maybe some arrogance toward the agency, too. so, i don't know why, but i do know that our voice wasn't heard as much as it should. i was not included in as many meetingsize should have been, not advance warning i should have been. >> one points, you were getting most of your information from cnbc. >> yes. >> that treasury and fed were not talking to you. >> th