it's been my practice to not vote to designate federal facilities after elected officia officials. i don't expect others to fiscal what i'm doing here, but it just seems to me -- and i'm not trying to claim any moral high ground here but i have just voted for those destinations for the fall en and i just wanted t share that, so that my good friends and colleagues would know why i'm going to vote the way i am. i appreciate the opportunity to address the committee. i yield back. >> the gentleman yields back. any further discussion on the amendment? if not, the question on the amendment is offered by mr. jones. those in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> opposed, no. >> no. >> ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. any other amendments to the subcommittee's report? >> mr. chairman, i have an amendmen amendment. >> yes, recognized for the amendment. the clerk please pass out the amendment. without objection, the reading of the amendment will be dispensed with. >> mr. chairman, i will speak. i have two amendments. >> gentlemen, suspend until we get it passed out. >> the chair now recognizes