now there's an official garbage dump here; the waste is pulverized and then put into a landfill.he many illegal dumps which destroy the countryside have disappeared and there's less environmental pollution. >> the remaining waste is inspected regularly. measuring probes are used to monitor the process of decay. if necessary, the waste will be aerated again. this is done using pumps which force air through underground pipes. the air then comes out through small holes in the ground. today everyone's happy with the project -- but it was hard to get it off the ground. >> the catalyst for such projects was really pressure exerted by china's central government to do something to protect the environment. but during the course of the realization, you can see people's mindsets change. they gradually become proud of their projects. >> if matthias ginter had his way, every city in china would have a waste treatment facility like this. he hopes others will now follow gaobeidian's example. >> and now its time to tickle your tastebuds with another global snack. whenever our reporters travel th