he will be the official mc for much of the day and what he encouraged me to do is be short and quick. so i'll continue to talk fast and get through if remarks and he will keep us on schedule. bring go, on a few house keeping notes, we invite you to share your thoughts on today's program on twitter, #econsummit. and follow us on twitter. there's an opportunity for audience q&a. stand up if you do not mind because we are filming today and we would love to have your feedback on today's program, there are comment cards, drop them with us before you go and we appreciate that. finally we invite you to attend our up coming events. this friday we have gender wars, and we will gather on the 27th to talk about jobs and the future in a town hall setting and we will have the health care forum. if you are interested in any of those, leave your card with our team. thank you to our sponsors today. it's my pleasure now to introduce the founder and ceo of the governor's woods foundation, richard vague. he knows a lot about the economy. he is a businessman, who founded a electric gas company, first usa