it's a peak period and then a mid-day, offpeak. so the peak period during the weekday are the same peaks as on the bay bridge. and then the midday would be that time in between during the afternoon between 10:00 and 3:00. when the weekday peak ends at 7:00, there's no toll after that. and then on the weekend, the start time would be later, mid morning. that's -- because that's when the peak, the congestion starts to happen on the weekend. >> president tsen: thank you. rachel, i'm sure you will take further comments. you've heard a lot from the community and this board and then come back with us with your recommendatio recommendations. >> yes. >> president tsen: this is not an action item. any members of the public? hearing none, next item, please. >> clerk: item 9, treasure island subphase ii planning update. >> as i mentioned previously, ticd has been working with their consultant team, brian loretta and cmt to prepare the second treasure island subphase application. so pamela conrad and brian loretta will give you an update on th