for true ofirion ardos, nothing can beat the groove of the bus. >> this is the bus that i pulled out of my neighbour's yard. it's a 1966 passenger bus. >> i'm damian. i'm a documentary film producer living in misula. i directed a film called "the bus." i have a personal connection with the bus, and so it was - for me it was - it was reconciling my own feelings, figuring out why do i care about the car, and the history of the vehicle was remarkable. >> before world war ii. hitler contacted porsching to design a car that would be available to the masters. it was conceptionalized by ben and he came to the factory one day after the war and saw that factory workers rigged up the truck-looking vehicles where they took a beetle frame and made a flat bed out of it. that is no book. drew the sketch and two years later they were in production. the idea of creating this mini bus, a cargo mover, people mover helped to bring paste war germany on its feet. buses were imported in the yits by the time the '60s came around. movement had started. there were hundreds of thousands of buses. they could d