and come back, there will be that box, 38 inches, 36 inches, and 13 inches deep with no permit ofrom the city. if they wanted to pass 110 pages, we ask that they remove the word "wireless." i don't know why they did not, but they did not. there is a lawsuit pending about that. we would like to be treated equal, but that is not the case. with regards to alleyways, it becomes slightly more difficult. we tried to build an alleyway in supervisor elsbernd's area. it is not a matter of the dpw, it is a matter of the planning department. i looked at city code, it is definitely not a public right of way. it is probably the same for pg&e because they have a historic peace meant. they are individual property rights, not something that extends to all companies. that gives you a little more detail. dpw doesn't deal with alleyways. [chime] thank you again. president garcia: counselor, you indicated that there was removal of the equipment? >> yes, and functionality. how have the text of that if anybody is interested. president garcia: since the statement was made having to do with the congestion of the wir