his job is to work at the oftagon as the chief officer the sexual assault and prevention office within the air force. this man is charged with the responsibility of preventing and reporting sexual assault in the military. , in the air force. just this last weekend, he was charged with sexually assaulting a woman in a parking lot. the best and brightest the air force has to offer to run this office and he is a sexual predatory? r? is that what we are talking about? this is an indictment of the sapro office that is supposed to be the solution for military rape and assault. it is an indictment of our procedures. it is an indictment of everything we have done on this issue. and congress is as culpable as the military in not addressing this. we have known about this issue for 25 years. we are big on holding hearings and beating our chests and saying this has to stop and of the big brass comes up to the hill and they say all the right words. they say we have a zero tolerance. chief prevention officer is charged with a sexual assault. but it doesn't end there. the bad news does not end there.