there a deep well of skepticsm and istrust an cynicism some part ofthe electorate at least that the don't lieve the facts as they are being presented tothem. en: even in theiberal districts. >> ev in the liberal istricts. gwen: will artion or fertlity treatments be covere under these bills, s wants to know? >> abortion, no fertility reatments, that is good question i n't say for certain. i dn't even know that they hve thought a lot about it because generallwhat congress is trying to do is sathat we would le a independent board inly of physicians, nurses, etc. to establish whatshould be called the bsic minimum benefits package. now,if you lok outin the private marketpla right now, there are a ew insuranc plans that cove fertility tratments, not lot. so if that's a gide, my uess is itprobably wouldn't. it's also quite expeive. i don't think it wou fall under this notn of a basic package. gwen: jean, ita fromkentucky wants to know why isn't anone discussing tort reorm as a way of reducing health are costs? >> because its on brick too many. t would be hard tbuild. the president h acknowledged