mentioned in the past when we took the park legislation vote which i'm sure none of us want to be reminded ofz, that i would be introducing graffiti legislation soon, and i just wanted to let you all know that i'm currently working on it and sorting out the language to make sure that there is clarity around the language for the legislation before it's introduced, but i'm looking forward to bringing that to you hopefully in the next couple of weeks. and last but not least, i know we're all anxious to get home for thanksgiving and enjoy turkey and all the dressings, but on thursday, we have an amazing game that's going to happen because galileo high school will be probably, more than likely, they'll be belting lincoln high skal at kizar stadium this thursday which is a tradition in our high schools in san francisco is turkey day. when i was at galileo high school, we went every single year and just last week, we beat lowell in order to get to turkey day, but that's just how it goes, galileo is a great football team, a great school and we'll be at turkey day with lincoln at thursday at 11 a.m., s