we'll move to item 5, appeal 19-0111,eredmann ogge and robyn zach and convert space to a new dwelling space and new kitchen bath, sprinklers and fire alarm under separate application. this is application 2017/07/25/2899. on april 3 this board voted to continue it to april 17 to give the planning department to review revived plans and if acceptable to bring to the departments to bring the revised plans back before the board for the purpose offi issuing a specl permits. we'll hear first from the building inspections. [please stand by] . erdma >> yes. those drawings were provided i believe late -- not last week, but the week before to the appellants. >> clerk: thank you. okay. you can be seated. we will now hear from the appellants. >> hi. good evening, board. thank you for inviting us back to talk about our permits, and i'm going to have erdmann -- >> hi. thank you for having us here. we did get copies of the plans dated april 5, and we basically think that they look fine. we did have discussions where we just brought up a couple things. we have been told that according to their lawyer,